A bit about Christina
Christina describes the decision to move to New Minas as the best choice her family has ever made. In her words, “When we arrived, I knew about the natural environment and the amenities that brought us here in the first place. What has really been life changing are the people. The biggest strength we have as a community are the welcoming, hard-working, honest folks who live here. I am passionate about finding ways to give back and one of the ways I can do that is by ensuring people have representation that lives in the district, shows up to meetings, and is willing to put the community ahead of their own interests.”
Professionally, Christina has more than two decades of experience as an on-air radio personality in both the US and Canada. She also has experience running her own business, providing voiceover work from her home studio. ​
Together, Christina and her husband (Tim) have three wonderful children.

Christina was elected to represent District 8 (Greenwich and New Minas) of the Municipality of the County of Kings in October, 2024.
In addition to her role as sitting councillor, she is appointed to the following County Boards and Committees:
Chair, Police Advisory Board
Chair, Diversity Kings County
Member, New Minas Source Water Protection Committee
Member, Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre Board
Member, Kentville Joint Fire Services Committee
Member, Landscape of Grand Pre Inc Board
Alternate, Fences Arbitration Committee
Christina is proud to take part in the following community organizations:
Vice-Chair, Kings County Family Resource Centre
Member, New Minas Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary
Member, Rotary Club of New Minas Sunrise (District #7815)
Member, Evangeline Middle School PTA
Community Member, New Minas Elementary School Advisory Committee
Volunteer, Annapolis Valley Frugal Moms
Volunteer, Centre 130 Community Outreach
I would love to hear from you. If you have a question, concern, or would even like to volunteer - don't hesitate to reach out to me.